Sunday, March 30, 2008

Keynotes for The Web And Beyond: Mobility

Logo for The Web And Beyond: MobilityThe Call for Participation for The Web And Beyond: Mobility was closed last month. Since then the Program Committee has been reviewing the submissions which included companies like Philips and TomTom as well as German, Danish and, of course, Dutch companies and universities.

We are close to publishing the program which will include tracks on mobile applications, maps & location based systems, social profiles & rich presence and ambient intelligence & everyware.

Those tracks also match nicely, and not unintentionally of course, to our four international keynote speakers. I am happy to announce them here:
Keynotes for The Web And Beyond: Mobility
  • Adam Greenfield, author of Everyware, will present ideas from his upcoming book in "The City Is Here For You To Use".
  • Christian Lindholm, ex-Yahoo!Mobile and ex-Nokia, will predict the future in "The New Mobility: Visions of mobile in the years to come".
  • Jyri Engeström, founder of Jaiku (now owned by Google), will talk about clusters in the social graph (I think) in "Nodal Points".
  • finally, Ben Cerveny, ex-frogdesigm, ex-Silicon Graphics, ex-Flickr and now advisor at Stamen and Director of the Playground Foundation, will talk about "Models of Urban Dynamics".
More about them and (soon) about the program, will be published on the conference website (also in English)


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