Great IA Cocktail Hour!
Wow! Yesterday we had another Amsterdam IA Cocktail Hour and I am very, very happy with the outcome.
We had Peter Morville attend until he had to leave for the User Experience 2004 speaker dinner. He was clearly the center of attention for the first hour. Then Eric Reiss really livened up the evening and ended up having dinner with the nine die-hards until midnight.
It was good to see the the visiting UX2004 conference attendees mix with the usual suspects as well as the people that had promised to show up some time and choose yesterday to do that. I really enjoyed just walking around from group to group and hear them,, basically. I was glowing!

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I again received some requests to make the Cocktail Hours more formal, and even got an offer to make a suitable space available (thank you Elma!). Since it always has been my intention to mix educational aspects with socializing and networking, I am going to try and arrange this. Soon we'll have another IA Cocktail Hour-with-a-projector. My only request will be that there needs to be a case of beer in a corner somewhere :-)
P.S.: Eric also made an announcement that I am very proud of, but I can't tell anything about it yet. Stay tuned...
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