Taking over the world
If only I could attend Victor's next appearance at which, so he promises, he will "give designers instructions for taking over the world":
[..] moving from user experience practitioner up the ladder and across the organization is easier said than done. Realizing these opportunities becomes possible when we view ourselves as leaders.
Victor Lombardi, a principal at The Management Innovation Group, will discuss how he and others have moved into more influential positions and what steps they took to get there. He will also discuss how to create better teams, processes, and organizations that in turn lead to better design, which will appeal to anyone wondering how to best manage the design process.
In the additions EzGov made to the Rational Unified Process we included work streams for all kinds of designers. The RUP itself has a stream for project managers, but what kind of activties and deliverables would you find in the Design Director's stream, or the SVP of Design's stream?
I am glad that Victor acknowledges that better design processes lead to better design. Hopefully we'll get a chance to talk about the other aspects at the IA Summit where two of his partners-in-crime, Christina and Scott (I know he has a blog, but where?), will be talking about "The Business Strategy of Information Architecture" during AIfIA's Leadership Seminar.
Until then, I'll be dreaming about taking over the world...
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