Design Engaged was great
Last weekend's Design Engaged was a marvellous experience. Andrew Otwell managed to gather a group of extremely smart people (thank you Andrew!), and most of the time I felt I was only on the border of their discussions and trains of thought. Next time I'm going to be prepared...

Some people presented purely from memory, others using only images to channel our thought, most others used slides the old-fashioned way.
My presentation, "This StUX! Introducing User Experience deliverables to a Software Company", has been green-lighted for wider publication with only minor changes.
I presented StUX, our in-house developed add-on to the Rational Unified Process, explained why we need it, what it's made off (the deliverables diagram and descriptions of our deliverables), how we promote it, and how it is impacting our organization.
I hope to be able to talk some more about this subject at an upcoming SIGCHI.NL activity and, if my fellow reviewers see the benefit, at the next IA Summit.
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