Off to Design Engaged, presenting STUX
Tomorrow and the weekend I'll be amongst Designers, attending and speaking at Design Engaged. Design Engaged will be a chance for designers to gather to discuss current challenges and opportunities. What do new technologies like pervasive computing offer designers? What obstacles do you find in coming up with innovative ideas, and how do you collaborate with others to make those ideas happen? What do fields like architecture or software development have to offer design, and vice versa? I'll be talking about the "how do you collaborate with others to make those ideas happen" part.
I will present STUX, our in-house developed design methodology (not to be mistaken for STUX, the free Linux distribution), there for the first time. Wonder if they will pick it up...
Here's a low-res diagram of all the deliverables in STUX, to give you an idea of how we present it internally to our colleagues:

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