Thursday, February 02, 2006

Keynoting Italian IA Summit

It's official now, the program has been published: I will be delivering the keynote at the Italian IA Summit! I'll talk about the way IAs are part of the bigger User Experience community, using the development of my T-model for UX as a guide.

Emanuele Quintarelli (co-organizer of the Summit with Luca Rosati) contacted me back in September or October and we've been discussing this in nightly chat sessions over Skype ever since. Given the high number of submissions and prospective attendees (they've had to switch to a room with 340 seats, and even that is fully booked!), I feel deeply honoured to be selected as opening presenter. Despite the fact that I won't be able to follow most of the other contributions, I encourage the decision of the organizers to keep the meeting in Italian.

I want to support European local IA communities in every way I can, and a trip to Rome is a lovely way to do just that. It complements the efforts put in the EURO IA conferences and the Amsterdam IA Cocktail Hours.

I believe the room will be highly connected, so watch out for the blog entries, Wiki items and Flickr streams reporting on the event.


Blogger Javier Velasco said...

Wow Peter, this is excellent news! I had missed it before. Congrats man, great.

8:07 PM, March 02, 2006  

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