When in Rome: Italian IA Summit!
As I'm typing this entry, I am also chatting with Emanuele Quintarelli who is almost single-handedly kicking off an Italian IA community, or so it seems.
He just uploaded the files for the website that promotes an event he and Luca Rosati are organizing, and I encourage interested IAs to have a look (although it helps if you speak some Italian; the site is currently in Italian only):

The first Italian IA Summit
Even if you don't speak Italian, these lines must sound familiar: "Classificare, organizzare, strutturare informazioni on line con metodologie, tecniche e competenze specifiche" and "Promuovere la comprensione, la coscienza e la cultura dell'architettura dell'informazione in Italia".
This event will be held on February 24th, 2006 in Rome, Italy and I'm sure it will be as exciting as the first German IA day and maybe even the first European IA Summit we had earlier this year. Hmmm, it makes me wonder why we never had a (first) Dutch IA event...well, apart from the Amsterdam IA Cocktail Hours of course; they are a kind of mini-summits every other month :-)
Anyway: if you're interested in presenting in Rome in February, contact the organizers and let them know. I know I will!
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