Friday, February 03, 2006

One week to profit from early registration prices for IA Summit

This is a reminder to register by February 10, 2006 in order to get the early rates for the 2006 edition of the IA Summit.

Look at the keynotes and some pre-conference workshop:
  1. Opening plenary: Dr. David Weinberger, author of Small Pieces Loosely Joined and co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, as this year's keynote speaker.
  2. Closing Plenary: Peter Merholz, a regular speaker at Web design and information architecture conferences, including the IA Summit, South by Southwest (SXSW), and the UI Conference.
  3. Enhancing Your Strategic Influence: Understanding and Responding to Complex Business Problems. Victor Lombardi, John Zapolski, Scott Hirsch, Harry Max, Mark McCormick
  4. Interaction Design (IxD) Symposium (Full day Thursday). David Heller, Lada Gorlenko, Luke Wroblewski, Lisa deBettencourt
  5. The Secret Design Strategies for Highly Successful Web Sites (Full day Thursday). Jared M. Spool
  6. An Introduction to Rapid Design Labs; a Fast, Collaborative
    to Information Architecture and Interface Design (1/2 day Thursday afternoon). Dave Robertson
  7. Next Horizons for Information Architecture (IA Institute) (Full day Friday). Dan Brown, Harry Max, Aradhana Goel, Paul Gould
  8. Information Architecture & Findability (Full day Friday). Peter Morville
  9. Introduction to Information Architecture (1/2 day Friday afternoon) Donna Maurer

Now, go a and register!


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