Wednesday, April 18, 2007

UX Intensive in Amsterdam

Even though I asked for MX (Managing Experience) I am glad to hear that Adaptive Path is coming to Amsterdam again, this year with their UX Intensive program.

UX Intensive will feature 4 full-days of educational content (hey, they don't call it intensive for nothing!) on core user experience topics: Each and every day is run by an expert in the field: Dan Saffer for example, the man that will run the Interaction Design program, wrote Designing for Interaction. Adaptive Path's Senior Information Architect Chiara Fox worked with Lou Rosenfeld and Peter Morville at Argus Associates before they wrote the IA Bible.

This is a great event to attend with your team of user experience designers, if only to hear things again that some of you may already know: After this event, you will all speak the same language and have a common frame of reference.
You will also benefit if you're a single designer and don't have a team to learn from: Let the fellow attendees be your team for a day (or 4 days). Share your problems with the group and learn from their experiences.

You can choose to attend just 1 or 2 days, but the best way to learn all about the umbrella field of User Experience (or, in my view, to broaden the base of your T) is to visit all 4 days! I suggest you register soon!
If you're interested, ask me about a 15% discount...


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