Accepted for Euro IA!

Now, I can hear you thinking: "Aren't you part of the Euro IA organizing committee? How objective is that?". Well, yes, obviously I am, but I can say that the blind review process that we applied for the first round of selections assured that the reviews and scoring were as objective as possible. And even in the second and final round, where we had access to the names of presenters, we hardly spoke about people (except to confirm their experience in the field) and instead focussed on the topics and, to a certain extent, geographical distribution. As a committee, we tried to get together a diverse program in as many aspects as possible. Also remember that the committee is comprised of committed, experienced practitioners who, besides organizing conferences, also like to share their knowledge and ideas with fellow practitioners.
I already started planning the trip to Barcelona, and hope to bring a couple of colleagues. I also hope to see readers of this blog in person. Do you plan to attend Euro IA?
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