Thursday, March 10, 2005

My IA Summit presentation "StUX - integrating IA deliverables in a software development methodology"

In time this will appear on the IA Summit website as well, but for now a PDF version of my slides can be found here (1.73MB).

Feedback is welcome, and I'll be happy to explain elements if requested.

Update (April 7, 2005): To get a feeling for what's to come I've included thumbnails of key slides.
The slide with the promotional poster of our additions to the RUP:
promotional poster of our additions to the RUP

and that of the lessons learned:
lessons learned from integrating IA deliverables with RUP


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think this was ever posted through the IA Summit site. Do you have a high rez version of your poster?

1:32 AM, December 14, 2006  
Blogger beep said...

It was published on the Summit site, although the link is hidden (in the title on the description page).

The link to the slides on the IA Summit site is

I have just uploaded a PDF version of the poster. It's small, but if you zoom in to 300% or 400% you can just make out the names of the deliverables...

12:05 PM, December 14, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have zoomed in 300% or 400% but cannot make out anything but the high level headings. This poster would greatly help with a project I'm working on. Do you have a high res copy available? Please and thanks.

11:51 PM, June 21, 2007  

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