Tuesday, February 28, 2006

User Experience: the next step for IA's (my Italian IA Summit presentation)

update (March 9, 2005): now includes a link to an illustrated PDF version of the paper submitted to the conference.

At the Italian IA Summit I gave a talk entitled "User Experience: the next step for IA'\s?". In it I discussed a brief history of Information Architecture and its relation with surrounding fields, how I feel that the practitioners of these fields should strive to become t-shaped user experience professionals, and what in my opinion the next steps are for the IA community.

A printable version of the slides of this presentation (750KB .pdf) is available here.

I have also created an illustrated version of the paper (250KB .pdf) that I submitted to the conference.

I hope the presentation contributed to the formation of an Italian national IA community, like the organizers intended.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like very much your global overview of the discipline. You managed with this presentation to summarize what i feel everyday as practitionner.

It's also very nice to talk about business expertise and knowledge. I always consider a large part of the job is to manage to have a good business knowledge to place the right answers to a problem

9:59 PM, March 25, 2006  

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