Interviewed by Jan Jursa (The Hot Strudel)

- When you look back, what were the most valuable lessons you have learned practicing UXD and IA?
- How would you describe the relation between UX and IA?
- Could you explain a little bit what [your T-model] is all about and what is the status quo right now?
- In your experience, what are the most approved IA deliverables and methods? Could you please scetch a typical basic IA workflow? (hey, that's 2 questions!)
- Do you find it hard to sell IA services to clients that are more focused on their business objectives than on end user needs? What is a good argument for integrating Information Architecture in the overall website-building process? (again! So there's 2 bonus-questions thrown in for free!)
This was the second time I was interview by a German IA: Wolf Nöding interviewed me during the 2006 IA Summit as part of his IA Voice initiative.
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