My Pong ® Clock has arrived!

Since this afternoon, I am the proud owner of one of only 400 Pong ® Clocks, made by Buro Vormkrijgers (find the clock under Portfolio, Browse, Miscellaneous, Pong ® Clock).
What's so special about this clock? Check out these questions from the FAQ:
How does it work ?
The left player and the right player are playing a random game of Pong ®.
Their game runs for 24 hours, and the scoring is synched with time.
At midnight it's game over, and the start of a new game of Pong ®.
And.... you can also play a game of Pong ® against the clock, see the sales page for more info.
What happens every hour?
The left player finally scores, he sucks at playing Pong ® compared to the right player. Because of his lack of talent we reward his point, by erasing the right players score. You know what? After that he still sucks at playing Pong ®.
Can I copy the idea?
No, and our lawyers plus Atari will seriously bother you if you try to.
If you want one and haven't ordered one, I am afaid they're totally sold out...
The last 10 Pong ® Clocks of this limited and liscenced production run are to be auctioned on Ebay (you can register to be notified through the Buro Vormkrijgers website, under "Buy Online") with the proceedings going to War Child. You'll support a good cause!
Now, ask me what time it is! :-)
My Pong Clock arrived today! I'm very happy with it, as well. It was a gift to myself for meeting a personal goal I'd set. I really wanted one, so it made a great incentive!
Hope you continue to get enjoyment from it!
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