Managing Experience: How about MX-Amsterdam?
I just read about Adaptive Path's upcoming conference MX-San Francisco:
Adaptive Path is launching a new conference on February 12 & 13, 2007 in San Francisco focused on the strategies and tools for managing experiences and design teams. The conference is focused on issues that managers face in designing the next generation of digital products.(Hey, when did Adaptive Path start organizing conferences? Even though it was officiallly an IA Institute event, IDEA2006 was really Peter Merholz' baby, and now they're at it again. Or are they simply renaming their workshops? I'll ask.)
The topics of this event (societal trends, experience strategies, service design, design processes, business+design, agile development) are timely and of great importance to user experience design teams. I would love to attend this event.
But the cost of entry ($1000-$1500 for 2 days) combined with the travel costs make this too expensive for me to attend; I am already planning to spend a big chunck of my education budget on the IA Summit, 6 weeks later in Las Vegas and I also need to save some money for the next EURO IA conference.
Sparked by the naming of the event and Adaptive Path's history of going on tour with their workshops, my only hope is MX-Amsterdam!
So if, like me, you are in Europe and interested in attending an event like MX-Amsterdam (or MX-London/Paris/Barcelona for that matter), let me know. I will collect your statements of interest and discuss it with the Adaptive Path crew.