Exploding Websites presentation delivered to Euro IA 2009

In the days before the conference, I had been up late to collect and create the materials and to determine the best way to present it. I wanted to find the right words to convey our ideas around designing for Exploding Websites. In the process I got a chance to tweak them and create a thinking framework for them.
During the actual presentation I realized I was still struggling to find the right words and therefore had to skip through some of the material around the 2 cases we wanted to present. It wasn't a perfect delivery.
But still, we got our ideas around Exploding Websites out into the community! The first responses are positive and indicative of a long-lasting influence on the way IAs think about designing structures for future websites.
The slides are available on Slidehare:Overall, the Euro IA conference was a great informal get-together of friendly, fellow professionals. I think Samuel Ericson described it best when he Twittered:
I suggest we call this conference a festival, cause that's what it felt like.