Help us present Exploding Websites at Euro IA 2009

Below is our summary of the talk (very similar to the one on the Euro IA programme page):
Much information is limited to the structured boundaries of its own website. Bur more and more, the information is scattered over multiple online channels and websites. Because of the growing use of mobile devices, widgets and API’s, we have to change the way we look at information structures; new design methods for their delivery are necessary.Does that sound interesting? Have you done something similar already? What is your design approach for these scattered structures? Tell us (mail to <peter @ this domain> and maybe we'll praise your thinking at Euro IA!
At, we have translated this development into our model of the Exploding Website. The model describes how services are now revealed in several contexts, and what steps you need to take to define the right part of the service in the right context. We also redefined our methodology for user experience design based on the vision of the Exploding Website. Dynamic personas, scenes and rule-based structures are key elements.
In the presentation we will use client cases to demonstrate the model and describe the new design approach to structure information around new contexts. At the end of the presentation we will discuss a list of do's and don'ts for everyone working on online media for the future.