Processes + Patterns (EuroIA 2007 presentation)
Despite having been sick for 20 days, and despite my coughing fits, I managed to deliver a pretty well-received presentation at Euro IA, last week in Barcelona.
Here's the Slideshare-version:
After explaining the concepts of patterns and collections, I spoke about how I thought process patterns and design patterns could be combined and about what the benefits would be to designers and team managers (and of course users and clients) once they were combined.
I ended with a challenge to IAs (and user experience professionals in general) to find new ways to combine process patterns with design patterns. I was lucky to have heard of one such initiative just before the presentation, so I could call them on stage during the Q&A. I hope it inspired the attendees and indeed a couple of people approached me afterwards with suggestions and ideas.
More suggestions, examples, comments, ideas are welcome!